Category: Productivity

Commute Time Productivity

Point-of-view driving in a car.

My first corporate job out of college was an hour away from where I lived. I did the drive for a year. The cold Kansas winters plus deer season were a formula for absolute chaos on the drive to work. During the winter season, I was stressed and my energy was drained by the time I made it to work. I was excited about the job and the one-hour commute was just part of what I had to do.

If you’ve ever had an hour-long commute you know that it gets old fast. I look back now and realize how much time I wasted on those drives. We moved after a year because I couldn’t keep doing the drive and stay sane. My work commute was cut in half and I was ecstatic about it. I believe the thirty-minute commute is perfect for me. I’m always trying to utilize my time as best as I can and after a few years of driving to and from work, I learned that I could be productive during that time.

In this article, I will share my commute time productivity activities. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me over the years. Read More >>>

Published on March 6, 2022